Marbury v. Madison (1803), The Play,

a/k/a Two Cousins: Marshall and Jefferson

Bradwell v. State of Illinois (1873), The Play,

a/k/a Myra Bradwell, American Portia

Buck v. Bell (1927), The Play,

a/k/a Carrie’s Lament

New York Times v. U.S. (1971), The Play,

a/k/a Dr. Ellsberg Presents

International Shoe v. State of Washington (1945),

The Play,

a/k/a Sting Operation, West Coast Style

Erie Railroad v. Tompkins (1938), The Play,

a/k/a Alas, Poor Harry, I Knew Him, Horatio. . .

Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific RR Co. (1886),

The Play

Katz v. United States (1967), The Play,

a/k/a Three Phone Booths On Sunset Boulevard

29 May 1787: Opening of The Phily Convention

In re Yamashita (1945) The Play,

a/k/a Big Mac’s Revenge

U.S. v. Nixon (1974), The Play,

a/k/a “The” Tapes Showdown